If you know me you may wonder why I didn’t hit him. Fortunately for him violence is not my default action. My family and friends understand I’m very protective of my personal space. My family is the kissy type, I am not. I’ve been trying to overcome my aversion to the practice. This Covid 19 crisis has impeded my personal growth. Maybe I, like, Michael Jackson’s glove, was just ahead of my time.
Some cultures do welcome this affectionate greeting. Today that practice has been upended. The custom of kissing cheek to cheek with friends and family is no longer safe. Videos of new ways to greet each other proliferate on social media. Touching ankle to ankle, or bumping shoulders in creative ways makes for hilarious viewing.
While we think of news ways to do old things the beginning of the verse in Psalms 2:12 says to adhere to “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry..” God is giving this command. The son refers to the Messiah, Jesus Christ. In 2020 during this COVID-19 crisis is this verse still applicable. Indeed it is!
Kissing the Son is a sign of submission. The King, God, is on His throne. If one will not kiss or submit to the King’s Son one puts one’s life in danger. In order to kiss a person you have to get up close and make face to face contact. It’s a pretty intimate act.
God wants us to make individual contact with Jesus Christ. There is no Social Distancing with God. No one else can kiss the Son for you. It’s very simple. You just do what millions have done before you . How do you kiss the son in 2020? You submit your will to not be your own king. Say, Lord Jesus you are the King and I submit to your authority. You let God sit on the throne of your heart. In the Great Scroll of Isaiah 45:23 it states, “ Everyone is going to end up kneeling before me. Everyone is going to end up saying of me, ‘Yes! Salvation and strength are in God!”(Message Bible) Have you kissed the Son. Unlike the man who kissed me without permission God gives us an invitation and command to Kiss the Son. If you haven’t kissed the Son yet, I invite you to do so now.
Kiss his son, or he will be angry
and your way will lead to your destruction,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
Psalm 2:12
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